Stale request values sent
It seems that the content entered in the UI (be it URL, header attribute name or value, body data, etc.) is often truncated .
I attached a screenshot that highlights the issue. I'm using the latest beta (2024.7.0-beta.9), installed from the DEB package. I can reproduce the same issue with the AppImage and on Windows as well (and had the issue with the previous versions).
Hopefully it is easy to reproduce and fix.
Thank you in advance for the fix !
Best regards,
Gregory Schier
Gregory Schier
It happens randomly; usually I can change however I want the content of the fields and the data is taken into account no matter how fast I type and how quickly I send the request - but there are random occasions when the typing seems to have lagged a bit and, even if I wait, the data is displayed complete in the fields, but the request is sent with data truncated.
Unfortunately I do not have a clear procedure on how to systematically reproduce this ... I will pay attention, maybe there is a way to make sure it occurs.
Could I enable some additional tracing to help with the investigation ?
Gregory Schier
SoftExpert: I don't think I need any reproduction steps. There's definitely a situation where the DB might not have saved the latest changes before the request is sent. I'll add some logic to ensure that happens.
Gregory Schier
under review
This is odd. I can't seem to reproduce it. Does this happen if you send the request immediately after finishing typing, or all the time?