Windows 10 build 22H2 19045
App version 2024.5.0
Hi, I've just updated to the latest 2024.5.0 version but unfortunately the app fails to open (I just get a white window flash that then closes, see attached screenshot). If I uninstall and re-install the previous 2024.4.2 version that works fine.
Yaak logs:
[2024-06-04][07:57:39][INFO][tauri_app_lib] App Config Dir: C:\Users\bowerinm\AppData\Roaming\app.yaak.desktop
[2024-06-04][07:57:39][INFO][tauri_app_lib] App Data Dir: C:\Users\bowerinm\AppData\Roaming\app.yaak.desktop
[2024-06-04][07:57:39][INFO][tauri_app_lib] Connecting to database at sqlite://C:\Users\bowerinm\AppData\Roaming\app.yaak.desktop\db.sqlite?mode=rwc
[2024-06-04][07:57:39][INFO][tauri_app_lib] Running migrations at \\?\C:\Users\bowerinm\AppData\Local\Yaak\migrations
[2024-06-04][07:57:39][INFO][tauri_app_lib] Migrations complete!
[2024-06-04][07:57:39][INFO][tauri_app_lib] Create new window label=main_0
[2024-06-04][07:57:39][WARN][tauri_app_lib::analytics] Error sending analytics event: error sending request for url ( error trying to connect: Either the application has not called WSAStartup, or WSAStartup failed. (os error 10093) app.launch {"num_launches":2} [("u", "nqXpVKN9Gg"), ("e", "app.launch"), ("a", "{\"num_launches\":2}"), ("id", "site_zOK0d7jeBy2TLxFCnZ"), ("v", "2024.5.0"), ("os", "windows"), ("tz", "unknown"), ("xy", "1500x1000")]
Kind regards,